Heritage Statements

Heritage Statements are relatively new documents, produced in response to the 2012 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Guidance states a local authority may ask an applicant to provide evidence concerning the significance of any heritage assets which may be affected by their development proposals.

What's Involved?
The amount of detail that is required in a Heritage Statement will vary according to the particular proposal.  It will cover:

  • a statement and assessment of significance of archaeological and cultural heritage assets;
  • an assessment of the likely impact of the proposals on the identified heritage assets, and
  • outline mitigation to address likely impacts.


Heritage Statement


We can research & produce your Heritage Statement

APS can carry out the appropriate research and issue a Heritage Statement promptly according to client requirements.  Additional consultation can also be provided on whether any further archaeological work may be required (such as a more detailed Desk Based Assessment or other archaeological evaluation) in advance of planning consent.